find on YouTube by key words Vatikan Mafia

August 12th, 2013

The Vatican, the P2 Masonic Lodge, and the Mafia: part.1/5, 10.39 min; part.2/5, 10.38 min; part.3/5, 10.39 min; part.4/5, 10.39 min; part.5/5, 03.16 min;

On en.wikipedia: Banco Ambrosiano; PROPAGANDA DUE; Roberto Calvi; and also in german (böse spottend gemeint): Die Wahrheit über Papst Benedikt XVI, 7.43 min.

Get to Work

August 11th, 2013

Reflections on Class, Capitalism, and Purposeful Activity – Published on ZNet, by Paul Street, August 09, 2013.

… No, when rightists and others say those unwilling to work shall not eat, they mean that working class folks should earn their keep by subordinating themselves to employers. They mean that workers should give over their distinctive human capacity for intelligent and planned work to the external and supposedly higher authority of capital, granting it also the privilege of controlling and dividing the surplus generated by that work[9]. They have no problem with the elite business class’s enjoyment of massive public subsidy and protection (corporate welfare) obtained through the legalized bribery of campaign finance (and many other forms of big money influence) or with the ubiquitous and giant upward transfer of value from employees to employers that is central to the profits system … (full long article).


August 10th, 2013

Crop Circles

August 9th, 2013

Greenwald claims up to 20,000 Snowden documents are in his possession

August 8th, 2013

Published on Russia Today RT, August 7, 2013.

… “The pretext [given by Washington] for the spying is only one thing: terrorism and the need to protect the [American] people. But the reality is that there are many documents which have nothing to do with terrorism or national security, but have to do with competition with other countries, in the business, industrial and economic fields,” Greenwald said on Tuesday … //

… (full text).

Ergenekon Verdicts: Erdogan Silences Dissent in Divided Turkey

August 7th, 2013

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Hasnain Kazim in Istanbul, August 05, 2013 (Photo Gallery): A Turkish court on Monday announced verdicts and long prison sentences for dozens of defendants in the so-called ‘Ergenekon’ plot to overthrow the government. The rulings expose how uncertain and divided the country is … (full text).


August 6th, 2013

Remembering Iraq: The Sanctions Genocide

August 6th, 2013

Published on Axis of Logic, by T.J. Coles, August 3, 2013. (Part Three of a series … part first (The Occupation 10 Years On), part second
(Britain’s Favourite Punching Bag).

The sanctions imposed on Iraq from 1990 to 2003 were perhaps the biggest crime of the post-WWII period, “one of the great man-made disasters of the last half-century,” writes journalist Patrick Cockburn, one of the few to brave beyond the US-imposed “Green Zone”.  [1] “The sanctions effectively denied an entire population the means to live,” acknowledged British diplomat, Carne Ross, one of those responsible for implementing them [2] … (full text).

Geld – Wasser – Zukunft

August 5th, 2013

von VivalaVidaNet hochgeladen:

The death penalty: Strike less hard

August 5th, 2013
Most of the world’s sharp decline in executions can be credited to China
- Published on The Economist, August 3, 2013.
LAST year China is thought to have executed about 3,000 people, or roughly four times more than the rest of the world put together (excluding Egypt and Syria, where numbers are hard to assess). It is a grim distinction. But consider a brighter, even astonishing, trend: over the past decade, the number of people China executes has fallen precipitously.

Most of the world’s sharp decline in executions can be credited to China – Published on The Economist, August 3, 2013.

LAST year China is thought to have executed about 3,000 people, or roughly four times more than the rest of the world put together (excluding Egypt and Syria, where numbers are hard to assess). It is a grim distinction. But consider a brighter, even astonishing, trend: over the past decade, the number of people China executes has fallen precipitously … (full text).

When we were Woodstock (4)

August 4th, 2013

Linked with When we were Woodstock (1, and 2, and 3).

Jimi Hendrix Stockholm 1969, 56.22 min, uploaded by Alfred Moya, Feb 13, 2013;
Documentaire Jimi Hendrix, 52.25 min, mise en ligne par Teddy Bear, le 28 avril 2013;
Jimi Hendrix on YouTube-search;

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young at Woodstock 1969, uploaded by Tito Sales, March 2013: part 1, 24.35 min, part 2, 23.06 min;
Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young 1974 Wembley Stadium, complete, 189.04 min, uploaded by SomethingInTheButter, March 24, 2013;
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young on YouTube-search.

XKeyscore: Instrument of Mass Surveillance

August 3rd, 2013

Published on Steve Lendman Blog, by blog owner, August 2, 2013.

Evidence mounts. America crossed the line. It operates lawlessly. It reflects police state ruthlessness. Big Brother’s real. It’s not fiction. It watches everyone. It’s about control, espionage and intimidation. It targets fundamental freedoms. It has nothing to do with national security. America’s only threats are ones it invents. It does so for political advantage.   Read the rest of this entry »

Detroit Firefighters speak out on Bankruptcy

August 2nd, 2013

Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Tim Rivers and Jerry White, July 29, 2013.

In fire stations across the city of Detroit, discussions are being held about the impact of the city’s bankruptcy filing and initial efforts by rank-and-file firefighters to mobilize opposition to the emergency manager’s attack on pensions and essential services … // Read the rest of this entry »

Bradley Manning Not Guilty of Aiding the Enemy

August 1st, 2013

… but faces 130 years in prison, 12.05 min, on The Real News Network TRNN, by JAISAL NOOR, July 30, 2013: Interview with Michael Ratner, President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights CCR in New York, and Chair of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights in Berlin (Transcript …);

also on YouTube:

Index July 2013

July 31st, 2013

2013-07-01: Good Journalism Is Measured By How Angry You Make The People You’re Covering;
2013-07-02: again about the rainmakers;
2013-07-03: Collective Stockholm Syndrome: We Love, Respect, Protect Our Abusers;
2013-07-03: John Pilger about the Invisible Government;
2013-07-04: Mohammad Mursi’s opponents have won the numbers game, but what next?
2013-07-05: Definitions for a New Age: The Dictionary of the Global War on You GWOY;
2013-07-06: French PRISM revealed: All communications tracked, metadata collected;
2013-07-07: Tear gas as a dangerous weapon;
2013-07-08: Convulsions in Egypt signal new era of world revolution;
2013-07-08: Geist und Gehirn;
2013-07-09: Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine;
2013-07-10: Hoping for the Worst;
2013-07-11: A Toxic System: Why Austerity Still Isn’t Working in Greece;
2013-07-11: Grundlagen lebendiger Entfaltung;
2013-07-12: Two Sentences that Explain the Crisis and How Easy it Was to Avoid;
2013-07-13: Masala Dosa and Bread Rolls, Gujarati Thepla, Osmania biscuit, Street food;
2013-07-14: The democracy of the streets;
2013-07-15: Less Policy, More Culture: Doing Radical Things With Food;
2013-07-16: Sinead O’Connor;
2013-07-17: Some Thoughts on Renata Salecl’s The Paradox of Choice;
2013-07-18: Snowden in Russia;
2013-07-19: Neighborhood Watch Groups like Zimmerman’s;
2013-07-20: Detroit files for biggest US city bankruptcy;
2013-07-21: NSA Blackmailing Obama?
2013-07-22: Global systemic crisis II;
2013-07-23: Não Nos Representam: A Left Beyond the Workers Party?
2013-07-24: Putting people over profits: The fight against fracking;
2013-07-25: Russia Will Not Hand Him Over;
2013-07-25: Dr. Greer in Australia,  16 – 18 August 2013;
2013-07-26: Growing threat of radical rebels infiltrating ranks of Syrian rebels;
2013-07-27: How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified And Silenced – And What To Do About It;
2013-07-28: The Asch Conformity Experiments;
2013-07-29: Defense rests in Manning court-martial;
2013-07-30: The Cost of Hunger in Egypt;
2013-07-31: US: Glenn Greenwald Explains What Capability LOW Level NSA Analysts Have To Spy On YOU.

US: Glenn Greenwald Explains What Capability LOW Level NSA Analysts Have To Spy On YOU

July 31st, 2013
  • Watch this video, 4.29 min, upoaded by MOXNEWSd0tC0M, July 28, 2013 (from ABCnews);
  • Low-level NSA analysts can spy on Americans – Glenn Greenwald, on Russia Today RTZ, July 28, 2013: NSA spying programs give access to US citizens’ private data to low-level analysts with little court approval or supervision, says Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story on Washington’s PRISM surveillance system …;
  • Thousands fill German streets to protest Berlin’s NSA spying involvement, on Russia Today RTZ, July 27, 2013:
    Protesters wearing masks of U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden hold a sign disparaging the National Security Agency (NSA) outside the “Dagger Complex”, which is used by the U.S. Army intelligence services, during a demonstration against the NSA and in support of Snowden in Griesheim, 20km (12.4 miles) south of Frankfurt, July 20, 2013. (Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach) …;
  • Glenn Greenwald on en.wikipedia with it’s External Links.

The Cost of Hunger in Egypt

July 30th, 2013

Implications of Child Undernutrition on the Social and Economic Development of Egypt – Published on World Food Programme WFP, June 2013 (linked with Hunger in Africa – the Swazi Study: How Hunger stunts African Economies).

About the Study: The Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) study is a multi-country study aimed at estimating the economic and social costs of child undernutrition. This is done by estimating additional cases of morbidity, mortality, school repetition and dropouts, as well as reduced productivity that can be directly associated with undernutrition before the age of five, and the associated costs to an economy.    Read the rest of this entry »

Defense rests in Manning court-martial

July 29th, 2013

Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Matthew MacEgan, July 27, 2013.

Yesterday, the team defending Private Bradley Manning gave its closing arguments, putting an end to the proceedings of his court-martial. Army Colonel Denise Lind, who is presiding over the case, will now make a decision on whether to declare Manning guilty, including on the charge of “aiding the enemy.”   Read the rest of this entry »

The Asch Conformity Experiments

July 28th, 2013
  • Asch conformity experiments on en.wikipedia: During the 1950s, Solomon Asch conducted and published a series of laboratory experiments that demonstrated the degree to which an individual’s own opinions are influenced by those of a majority group.[1][2][3][4] Together, these experiments are recognized as the Asch conformity experiments or the Asch Paradigm. The methodology developed by Asch has been utilised by many researchers and the paradigm is in use in present day social psychology. The paradigm has been used to investigate the relationship between conformity and task importance,[5] age,[6] gender,[7][8][9][10] and culture.[5][10] …;      Read the rest of this entry »

How We Are Impoverished, Gentrified And Silenced – And What To Do About It

July 27th, 2013

Published on ZNet, by John Pilger, July 25, 2013.

… In Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley describes a new class conditioned to a normality that is not normal “because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does”.

Surveillance is normal in the Age of Regression — as Edward Snowden revealed. Ubiquitous cameras are normal. Subverted freedoms are normal. Effective public dissent is now controlled by police, whose intimidation is normal.  Read the rest of this entry »

Growing threat of radical rebels infiltrating ranks of Syrian rebels

July 26th, 2013

Interview with Edmund Ghareeb, published on Russia Today RT, July 24, 2013.

… In northeast Syria – Al-Qaeda-linked extremists are holding about 200 Kurdish civilians hostage, using them as human shields, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. The Kurds living in the area have been trying to protect their homes, amid heavy fighting between jihadist forces and Syrian government troops:

RT: The lives of innocent Kurdish civilians are now in danger from Al-Qaeda terrorists. What do you think the hostage takers want and why would they be targeting the Kurds?   Read the rest of this entry »

Dr. Greer in Australia, 16 – 18 August 2013

July 25th, 2013

… at Bond University on the Gold Coast, Basil Sellers Theatre – Received by e-mail, From: Newsletter Dr. Steven Greer, Date: July 23, 2013 – Website: Sirius Disclosure /Homepage, /Books, /eBooks, /CDs, /DVDs, /Trainings, /Tickets, /Donate, /Apps, /Newsletter, /Contact;

Sirius Premiere with Dr. Greer, FRIDAY AUGUST 16, 2013:   Read the rest of this entry »

Russia Will Not Hand Him Over

July 25th, 2013

Interview with Anatoly Kucherena, Snowden’s Lawyer – Published on Spiegel Online International, by Benjamin Bidder and Matthias Schepp in Moscow, July 24, 2013.

Now that Russian authorities have provided him with papers, Edward Snowden will soon be able to leave the transit zone of the Moscow airport, where he has been holed up for weeks. In an interview, his lawyer discusses the whistleblower’s plans and how Russia is testing the US … // Read the rest of this entry »

Putting people over profits: The fight against fracking

July 24th, 2013

Published on Axis of Logic, by Walter Brasch, July 20, 2013. Pennsylvanians want to put a moratorium on fracking.

  • And it’s not just a few thousand, but a majority of the state’s residents.
  • Pennsylvania lies in the heart of the Marcellus Shale, possibly the most productive shale for gas in the country.  Read the rest of this entry »

Não Nos Representam: A Left Beyond the Workers Party?

July 23rd, 2013

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin no 853, July 18, 2013.

It started as a good idea. Rather than taking the path of the old Latin American left, in the form of the guerrilla movement, or the Stalinist party, Brazil’s Workers’ Party (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT), aided by strong union and social movements, decided to try something new. The challenge was to somehow combine the institutions of liberal democracy with popular participation by communities and movements.   Read the rest of this entry »

Global systemic crisis II

July 22nd, 2013

second devastating explosion/social outburst on a worldwide scale – Published on GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin GEAB N°76, June 16, 2013.

The 2008 shock was certainly violent, but the reactions of the system, countries and central banks with their bailouts on an unprecedented scale, managed to hide the worst consequences:    Read the rest of this entry »

NSA Blackmailing Obama?

July 21st, 2013

Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice, 11.49 min, uploaded by breakingtheset, July 9, 2013: Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal is only scratches the surface of a massive surveillance apparatus, citing specific targets the he saw spying orders for including former senators Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Links: Breaking The Set on Facebook; Abby Martin on Twitter.

Detroit files for biggest US city bankruptcy

July 20th, 2013

Governor says, no other way to rescue city from $18.5bn of debts after decades of decline – Published on AlJazeeraEnglish, July 19, 2013 (with video, 1.47 min).

Detroit has become the largest city in United States history to file for bankruptcy after decades of decline and mismanagement rendered the city insolvent.

Michigan’s governor, Rick Snyder, said on Thursday that there was no other option to tackle the city’s $18.5bn of debts.   Read the rest of this entry »

Neighborhood Watch Groups like Zimmerman’s

July 19th, 2013

… and in much of the Deep South are hardly different than Slave Patrols of Old – Published on ZNet (first on AlterNet  ), by Thom Hartman, July 17, 2013.

George Zimmerman kept close watch over his neighborhood. When Black men walked or even drove through the area, he alerted the police, over and over and over again Sheriff’s Office releases more 911 calls made by George Zimmerman [3]. Finally, exasperated that “they always” got away, he went out on a rainy night armed with a loaded gun and the Stand Your Ground law, looking for anybody who should not be in his largely White neighborhood. The South has a long history of this sort of thing. They used to be called Slave Patrols.    Read the rest of this entry »

Snowden in Russia

July 18th, 2013

Published on Steve Lendman’s Blog, by blog owener, Juli 17, 2013.

Traveling elsewhere’s too risky. It’s hazardous. He’s seeking temporary asylum. Odds are he’ll get it. Moscow won’t extradite him. It has no treaty obligation to do so. Washington never repatriated Russian defectors. Heavy US pressure’s exerted anyway. Few countries resist. Few push back effectively. China can do it. So can Russia. On the one hand, Putin values good relations. On the other, he won’t be bullied.   Read the rest of this entry »