Index February 2012
February 29th, 20122012-02-01: A Bluffing Game, Part 1: European Politicians in Denial as Greece Unravels;
2012-02-01: Récital pour soutenir proPhilo;
2012-02-02: WikiLeaks founder fights extradition;
2012-02-02: le Dr Mourad Dhina polarise le monde – réaction humanitaire;
2012-02-03: Diminishment of Sovereignty and More Fed Manipulations;
2012-02-03: Divings in Raja Ampat /Indonesia on YouTube;
2012-02-04: The World According To Noam Chomsky;
2012-02-05: China: Slipping through the cracks;
2012-02-06: SPACE on YouTube;
2012-02-07: CAPITALISM and BRAIN – 2 videos;
2012-02-08: Are you eating antibiotics without knowing it? Probably;
2012-02-09: Independent Report Contradicts Western Portrait of Syria;
2012-02-10: Occupy DC Forcefully Evicted, Protesters Injured, Arrested, Under Pressure from Congress’s Richest Member;
2012-02-11: Putin’s Unruly Children: A New Generation Aims to Revitalize Russia;
2012-02-11: L’excision, une affaire de femmes?
2012-02-12: Anugama on YouTube in autoplay;
2012-02-12: Un cri contre les mutilations génitales féminines – Exposition des artistes africains;
2012-02-13: Egypt: twin crises in parliament;
2012-02-14: NSArchive’s Kate Doyle and Fredy Peccerelli win Prestigious ALBA/Puffin Award;
2012-02-15: On the Fetishization of Expression;
2012-02-16: Frölein Da Capo’s songs;
2012-02-16: Greece in Flames: the Prelude of the European Revolution;
2012-02-17: Prohibition Debate: The Far-Right Threat to Germany’s Democracy;
2012-02-18: Eugen Drewermann auf YouTube;
2012-02-18: black wealth white wealth;
2012-02-19: Egypt one year on;
2012-02-20: Occupy Toronto and Steelworker flash mob;
2012-02-20: FREE ROBERT GREEN;
2012-02-21: Middle class among predators – looting the self-employed;
2012-02-22: Occupy sanity;
2012-02-23: Megaupload founder released on bail;
2012-02-23: 200.000 Selbstmorde in Indien: Die verheerenden Folgen durch Monsanto;
2012-02-24: Campaign Against FGM – on en.wikipedia;
2012-02-25: What Iranian Elites Think;
2012-02-26: Cash of the Titans: Against the noxious fantasy of limitless growth;
2012-02-27: How to change the world?
2012-02-28: The birth control bishops;
2012-02-29: again Psychotropic Drugs.