Archive for April, 2008

debate about Crop Circles

Tuesday, April 29th, 2008

On YouTube some videos:

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 1 of 6), 9.44min;

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 2 of 6), 10.13.min;

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 3 of 6), 9.49 min;

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 4 of 6), 10.06 min;

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 5 of 6), 10.20 min;

Croppies by Grant Wakefield (Part 6 of 6), 3.16 min;

Read the rest of this entry »

videos for recreation

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Diving in the Maledives, 6.12 min;

Elephant paints self portrait, 8.29 min;

Sand Painting, 10.57 min;

Diving in the Safaga Soma Bay, Egypt, 6.56 min;

arab music video, 4.34 min;

Alternative Arabische Musik. 3.24 min.

Have a nice day.

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

The every day’s link.

Find also the Archive, with an every day’s picture back to June 16, 1995.

The today’s picture, April 20, 2008:

Allemagne: Un opéra aux nus

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Publié dans actu, April 10, 2008.

Trente-cinq hommes et femmes de plus de 50 ans vont apparaître nus dans une interprêtation insolite de l’opéra de Giuseppe Verdi, “Un bal masqué”, qui doit débuter samedi.

Summary of all my comments

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

Sternstunde Philo bei sf.drs;

The right for changes in our life patterns;

Prominente Hilfe für Obama;

a thought this morning;

Read the rest of this entry »

Einbürgerung der Muslime in westliche Staaten?

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

(früherer Titel dieses Artikels: Sternstunde Philo bei SF DRS)

Verbunden mit Archbishop’s sharia comments.

Sonntag morgen: In der gerade laufenden Philo-Sternstunde geht es wieder einmal um die Integration von Muslimen in unsere westliche Gesellschaft.

Mein Kommentar: Nein, nicht einverstanden mit der Forderung, wir hätten Muslime so zu integrieren, dass sie die gleichen Rechte erhalten wie ‘Westler’/resp. Einbürgerung erhalten: Read the rest of this entry »

my personal views … from now on with this blog

Friday, April 11th, 2008

There is no need for a ‘heidi-barathieu-brun homepage’, so I transform this blog to start my new privat blog with. The first privat blog – mein privater Garten – will remain just as it is.